The Institute pays special attention to the legal protection of Hungarian communities living outside the borders of Hungary, and intends to support all initiatives, which have the aim to provide efficient and professional protection to those minority Hungarians whose human- and minority rights have been violated. The Institute ensures such legal protection within the framework of an effective, and transparent cooperation between lawyers working in neighbouring countries, as well as in Hungary, and other EU member states. To this end, the Institute provides financial support for those legal counsels, lawyers, attorneys, law offices and civil organizations who are engaged in minority protection. On one hand, lawyers can apply for our support in carrying out legal representation in specific cases before domestic – or international courts. On the other hand, the Institute commissions law offices operating in countries neighbouring Hungary to maintain permanent legal aid services addressing human- and minority rights violations. A comprehensive list of these permanent legal aid services can be viewed below:
Offices providing permanent legal assistance |
Fórum Intézet / Forum Minority Research Institute Name of person providing legal assistance service: Location of consultation: Office hours: Availabilities: Szövetség a Közös Célokért / Alliance for Common Goals Name of person providing legal assistance service: Location of consultation: Dr. Duray Miklós president Office hours: JUDr. Nagy Tibor attorney Location of consultation: Office hours:
Kárpátaljai Magyar Nagycsaládosok Egyesülete/ Association of Hungarian Large Families of Subcarpathia Name of person providing legal assistance service: Location of consultation: Office hours: Availabilities:
Pro Cultura Subkarpathika Beregszász / Berehove – Ukraine Name of person providing legal assistance service: Tóth Tünde Location of consultation: Office hours: Availabilities:
Diósi Artúr Location of consultation: Office hours: Availabilities:
Tóth-Parászka Krisztina Nagyszőlős / Vynohradiv – Ukraine Location of consultation: Office hours: Availabilities:
RomaniaMenyhárt Gabriella attorney Location of consultation: Office hours: Availabilities:
CEMO – Civil Elkötelezettség Mozgalom / Civic Engagement Movement Name of person providing legal assistance service: Location of consultation: Postal address: Office hours: Availabilities:
Romániai Magyar Jogvédő Egyesület Names of persons providing legal assistance service: Location of consultation: Office hours: Availabilities: Email:
Mikó Imre Jogvédelmi Szolgálat / Mikó Imre Legal Aid Service Name of person providing legal assistance service: Location of consultation: Office hours: Availabilities: Jogaink Egyesület / Our Rights Association Seat of the organization: Office hours, and names of person providing legal assistance service: Availabilities:
SerbiaVajdasági Magyar Jogászegylet / Association of Hungarian Lawyers in Vojvodina Name of person providing legal assistance service: Time and location of consultation: Availabilities:
Buckó György attorney Location of consultation: Office hours: Availabilities: Szilágyi Miklós attorney Location of consultation: Office hours: Availabilities:
Egon Boral, attorney Location of consultation: Office hours: Availabilities: |
CroatiaHMDK – Horvátországi Magyarok Demokratikus Közössége / Democratic Community of Hungarians in Croatia Name of person providing legal assistance service: Location of consultation: Office hours: Availabilities: |
SloveniaBerden Mario attorney Location of consultation: Office hours: Availabilities: